Tuesday, January 8, 2008

What Do We Believe

Ok, Politics and Roger Clemens...Do they really think we buy into everything they're telling us? How do you know for certain? What do we believe? Roger's saying he wasn't aware that he was going to be named in the report but according to the report, they contacted everyone in the report to try to get the player's side of it. He says he was getting shots for B12 and lidocaine. Well, from other things I've read, you get those shots in the arm, not the butt. Frankly, I'm just really tired of hearing his spiel. The other thing, how offensive is it to record a conversation and use it to his advantage in an interview. Who's to say he didn't edit the tape to make it sound the way he wants? I don't trust him at all.

As for politics, gosh, can't believe a single thing that comes out of their mouths. Thank goodness for factcheck.org. I'm so sick of politics and the mud slinging and name calling. It shows the type of individuals these people are. Unfortunately, I know that without doing so, they wouldn't be able to compete. However, to tell people they can do things that they can't, that they'll solve all the worlds troubles withing their first couple of years in office, is a bold faced lie. And people buy into it all. Here's a fun site to learn which candidate of the two major political parties best matches your views at: http://www.vajoe.com/candidate_calculator.html.

Ultimately, you need to stay true to yourself, educate yourself and question everything. Then you'll know what you can believe in.

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