Monday, November 26, 2007

It's Amazing

People are amazing. Life is amazing. Things are amazing. Define amazing. Anything and everything that makes you shake you head in wonder, do a double take, take a step back to ponder. Alex Rodriguez, Barry Bonds, New England Patriots, San Diego Chargers, Miami Dolphins - Amazing. Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, France - Amazing. Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Steve Jobs - Amazing. Every day, something somewhere will make you ponder. Is $275,000,000 too much to pay a baseball player? Obviously not. Amazing. Is growing abnormally over the course of a couple of years, yet denying it all the way to jail aver the top? Apparently not for some. Amazing. Is going undefeated the same year the only historical undefeated team goes win less out of the question? Guess not. Amazing. How about a team who supposedly has some of the best players in the game, playing .500 football. Out of line? Not at all. Amazing.

I can go on and on. Nature gives us amazing things every day. Birth, death, life; all around us, every day. Amazing. Unconditional love, conditional love, love that is and shouldn't be, love that should be but isn't. Amazing. Sunrises, sunsets, snow fall, rain fall. Amazing. Albert Einstein had a great quote, "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Amazing.

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